Grasslands as biodiversity hotspots
The 19th Eurasian Grassland Conference will be held in Bolzano/Bozen in South Tyrol (Trentino-Alto Adige region) from 26th August until the 1st September 2024. The theme of this year's EGC is ‘Grasslands as biodiversity hotspots’. The conference sessions will take place at the Eurac Research headquarters. Excursions to nearby inner-alpine dry grasslands (Mid-Conference Excursion) and the Alpine meadows and pastures of the Dolomites (Post-Conference-Excursion) will be undertaken as part of the event.
We invite all participants to present their research outcomes in a short oral presentation or with a poster (incl. a three-slide short presentation). Please register to present your poster or to hold a presentation here.
Deadlines overview
23 June
deadline for abstract submission
23 June
deadline for registration -
we do accept late registrations
7 July
deadline for the payment
Instruction for authors
Any questions?
Please don’t hesitate to contact the conference organizers about any details, we are happy to help!
Our email address is: