These instructions are intended to help participants prepare presentations that will effectively communicate the necessary information to an audience of researchers and practitioners.
Oral Presentations
15 Minutes including discussion: ideally 12 minutes presentation and 3 minutes Q&A
It is important to introduce the topic and state the objectives and/or research questions clearly. Also try to include something about the scientific context, such as relevant theory or concepts
Organize the content logical
Describe methods in a clear way
Indicate the locality/habitat precisely
Present and discuss the results, preferably in the context of the theme of the conference and session
Try to make your presentation relevant to both scientists and practitioners.
Poster Presentations
The large-format posters will be exhibited in the Eurac headquarters. They should have the following format:
Maximum poster size is A0 (0.84 x 1.19 m) in portrait orientation
Keep text to a minimum
Include your name, affiliation and contact information
Ensure any text is a minimum of size 16 font
Use graphs, charts, and/or tables
Ensure contents have a logical flow
Make it colourful
Clips will be available for you to attach your poster to the board
Removal and collection of posters at the end of the display period remains the responsibility of the presenter. Posters not removed by the indicated take down time will be removed and disposed of.
The poster should be presented briefly with a total of three slides in a maximum of 3 minutes.
The slides should NOT be identical to the poster but represent a kind of graphic abstract:
Slide 1 briefly presents the topic and the background of the research.
Slide 2 presents the methods and the study site.
Slide 3 presents the results of the research work. There will then be an opportunity to ask questions.
The maximum time for the presentation including discussion is 5 minutes.